“You are wondering why she got in the car with him driving… and I have no answer for that. I will always wonder.”
The National Passenger Safety Week mission is to put an end to tragedies like Kendal’s.
By inspiring the courage and providing the the verbiage, we hope to empower passengers to speak up when in a car with an unsafe driver.
Tool Kit
content & tools to help SPREAD THE WORD
This Tool Kit will help you start your own campaign to alert and educate passengers how to Speak UP!
Download our graphics which Highlight actions passengers can take to stay safe.
Please choose from the following hashtags: #WeSaveLives #CouragetoIntervene #PassengerSafety #CrashIntervention #NationalPassengerSafety #NPSW #PassengersSpeakUp #NRSFsquad and tag us on social media @WeSaveLives @NRSForg